10-Digit Dialing Coming To 478 Area Code
10-digit dialing is coming to area codes 478 and 912. It starts next Saturday, April 24th. You will still be able to use seven-digit dialing until October 24th. After that, you must use 10 digits. The change is necessary because […]

10-digit dialing is coming to area codes 478 and 912.
It starts next Saturday, April 24th. You will still be able to use seven-digit dialing until October 24th. After that, you must use 10 digits.
The change is necessary because of the creation of 988 as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. That begins on July 16, 2022. Until then, the hotline will still operate at 1-800-273-8255.
Learn more in our conversation with Georgia Public Service Commissioner Tricia Pridemore.
Here are some of the things that need to be updated because of the addition of 10-digit dialing.
- Cell phone contacts
- Home and business alarm systems
- Medical alert devices
- Fax machines
- Internet dial-up numbers
Your phone number will not change with the addition of 10-digit dialing. Service rates and coverage areas will not change either. The dialing of 811 and 911 does not change.
Learn more in this press release from Somos, which is the North American Plan Administrator for the FCC. https://prn.to/3tjZy1Y